Favorite Stones For May

My Favorite healing stones for May ~ Stones can help us to reconnect to the healing power of the earth. They engage us with their beauty and mystery, and bring a little magic back into our lives. They can be worn as jewelry or used for meditation and healing. Here are just a few of my favorites . . .

Baltic Amber ~ is a resin, which has been used throughout the centuries as a natural traditional remedy and curative for many physical and spiritual ailments. When Baltic Amber is worn in direct contact with your skin,  the warmth of your body releases trace amounts of healing oils from the amber. These oils contain succinic acid and are absorbed into the skin. The Ancient Celts valued Amber for it’s beauty, protection and healing properties.

Amber is excellent for helping the body to heal itself. It can also be used to cleanse the environment of negative energy. Amber helps clear the mind, balance the emotions and eases stress by removing energetic ties that create stagnation and blockages in the chakras. It’s warm golden light  infuses your body with healing and helps transform negative energy  into positive energy.






“Amber is like a time capsule made and placed in the earth by nature herself.” ~  David Federman







Carnelian ~ is a variety of Chalcedony that was worn in ancient times for strengthening the blood, health and fertility.  It also helps to assists us in stimulating the first four chakras and increase physical power, creativity and compassion.  Wearing Carnelian  is said to provide protection against the evil eye of negativity and bring hope and good luck. Also believed to be a powerful stimulant of Kundalini energy. Ancient Egyptians used Carnelian as a source of renewal and vitality

“That we find a crystal or a poppy beautiful means that we are less alone, that we are more deeply inserted into existence than the course of a single life would lead us to believe.” ~ John Berger

Pink Kunzite ~ Kunzite is variety of mineral Spodumene. Mineral Spodumene comes in pink to bluish purple, green, yellow, colorless, blue and other colored varieties, typically light in tone. The pink to bluish purple colored stones are called Kunzite. Medium to pale green stones are called as hiddenite and yellow ones are known as triphane.

Kunzite activates and opens the heart chakra to the energies of Divine Love for all beings, and promotes the impulse towards kindness and altruistic behavior.The soft energy of Kunzite helps one to release energy blocks associated with the heart chakra and enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Kunzite is often suggested for sensitive children or those who are affected by the collective energy of crowds, and may help soften the impact of being exposed to harsh or negative people. Kunzite  is a protective stone and is said to provide a protective barrier around the aura when worn as a necklace or ring.

Each variety of Kunzite shares the fundamental properties, as well as the additional specific ones.

Clear Kunzite ~ Assists one in soul retrieval work ~ facilitating the journey back to the moment of the soul loss and may be used as the receptacle for the soul until it is reintegrated into the body.

Yellow kunzite ~ is good for protecting and shielding you from harmful man-made electrosmog~ cell phones, computers and  microwaves. Wear a pendant, necklace or place a piece near  your  computer or other electronics.

Lilac kunzite ~ helps assist one in Ancestral healing work by healing and transforming energetic patterns that do not serve your highest good or distract you from carrying out your life’s purpose. It also helps those who are transitioning to connect with the infinite. Highly recommended for those who are caregivers.

“Ancestral healing is a  shamanic practice that helps one to heal their ancestors’ unresolved emotional and spiritual issues, problems or trauma. It also assists in releasing any energetic patterns that link you to them ~ patterns that may have an inhibiting or a disruptive influence on your life today.”

Green kunzite ~ is also known as hiddenite. it can be used to assists us with gaining knowledge from higher realms.  It also helps an individual release and heal any feelings associated with failure. ~ It may also be used as a pendulum to identify any energy fluctuations and remove any blockages in the chakras. Hiddenite also supports the thymus gland and the heart chakra area.


Blue Kyanite ~ Aligns and cleanses all the chakras and subtle bodies automatically and immediately, and is one of the few stones that never needs cleaning or clearing. It also opens the throat chakra~  encouraging communication and self-expression. Best when worn near the throat chakra. ~ A stone known to enhance tranquility, calmness, as well as communication and psychic awareness. Kyanite is a tool for meditation, visualization, dream work and one of the best for use as an attunement stone.



Black Kyanite ~ used for removing negative energy and assists one when working with  spirit guides, shamanic journeying and ancestral healing work. Helps remove stagnant energy from the root chakra and bring it back into balance. When placed on any of the chakras, it will help repair any tears or holes in the chakras and the aura.


Black Kyanite is often used to explore past lives and also used for grounding and protection. It is believed to assists us in keeping open the lines of communication between people, helping us to resolve  issues of conflict and misunderstanding.








“Stone, maybe more than any other material, has been known forever to be magical, to have powers to heal, guide, house divinity, and mark places of burial. Altars are usually of stone, as are temples, oratories, and sometimes houses. Rock gardens invite meditation, and stone walls, a common sight in New England, do more than mark boundaries; they evoke memories of the people who once lived on this land of ours and give rise to speculation about early visitors from Europe and ritual megaliths and dolmens. ~ Thomas Moore ~ Quote from the book “The Re-Enchantment  of Everyday Life.”

“Everyday Goddessing  is about sharing magical techniques and sacred wisdom with other beautiful Goddess women. I believe that within every woman there is a goddess, a wise woman, beautiful, creative, powerful, with a deep soul, and that everything we need and are looking for is already inside  each of us.” – Rose Arizmendi

Healing Altar

This morning I noticed our Healing Altar needed a little tender loving care so I cleared off the tabletop, smudged the altar, washed the crystals with white sage water, and proceeded to wipe down the Kuan Yin statue with rose water.

Next, I added  fresh lavender to a pretty bag and placed the vogel crystal and Amethyst crystal on it, along with a small piece of Kyanite which helps clear the crystals after a session. The crystal singing bowl, Tibetan bowl and the painting hanging above the Altar were also cleaned.

Healing Touch Mandala by Gina Rose Halpern Original Acrylic 13″ x 13″ Copyright 1983.   Click here to see more of her work.

Here is where I do most of my Distant Reiki work for our families, friends and anyone in need. I place Reiki Prayer Packets  in the pyramid and send Reiki twice a day for those who have requested it, and keep the names in the Reiki pyramid or Reiki Box for a period of two weeks to a month.

Giving Reiki to others is what I love to do. For me Reiki is about unconditional love, healing and acceptance on all levels, and a beautiful gift we can share with everyone.

Everyday Goddessing is about sharing magical techniques and sacred wisdom with other beautiful Goddess women. I believe that within every woman there is a goddess, a wise woman, beautiful, creative, powerful, with a deep soul, and that everything we need and are looking for is already inside  each of us. – Rose Arizmendi


Kyanite is one of my favorite stones! It is excellent for aligning all of the energy centers and is especially good for the 5th and 6th chakras. It is a very powerful stone which allows access to the Universal Energy that enhances your body’s abilities to heal.

When using Kyanite during a Chakra Balancing Session you may want to place this stone between the heart and navel chakras. It may also be used between the heart and third eye for encouraging self expression.

One of the wonderful things about Kyanite is it does not accumulate or retain negative energies, therefore you never have to clean or clear it.

It is a great stone for artists, actors, writers, dancers and for anyone who wants a little help with their creative endeavors, and is also known as the “Serenity Stone” which enhances ones sense of inner peace and tranquility.

Everyday Goddessing  is about sharing magical techniques and sacred wisdom with other beautiful Goddess women. I believe that within every woman there is a goddess, a wise woman, beautiful, creative, powerful, with a deep soul, and that everything we need and are looking for is already inside  each of us. – Rose Arizmendi