Joy & Creativity

This video features the beautiful artwork by visionary artist Mary Ann Butler. She talks about creativity and joy and the importance of weaving these two together for personal and planetary well-being.

I love the “Egyptian Mysteries Unveiled” wearable art piece. Wow!

thought for the day;

“The great teachings unanimously emphasize that all the peace, wisdom, and joy in the universe are already within us; we don’t have to gain, develop, or attain them. We’re like a child standing in a beautiful park with his eyes shut tight. We don’t need to imagine trees, flowers, deer, birds, and sky; we merely need to open our eyes and realize what is already here, who we really are . . . as soon as we quit pretending we’re small or unholy.” – unknown

Cunning Woman


The Cunning woman or cunning man was a practitioner of folk magic. They were also known across England as “wise men” or “wise women”. In Cornwall they were sometimes referred to as “pellars”, those who practice expelling evil spirits.

They communed with the potent forces within the land.The cunning woman listened  to the wisdom of the spirits of the place where she lived, and knew the properties of wild herbs and the traditional ways of charm making.

“She stood alone beneath a canopy of trees, watching mostly half glimpses of things that would not reveal themselves. Patiently waiting for the nuances, the shades, the deeper insights to flow through her.

The stillness that emanated from the forest and from the earth nourished her.”Ancient mother,” she said,” these are troubling times and I need distance to see the patterns at play. I honor your presence. Come to me if you will.” – The Deep Magic of Gaia – Rose Arizmendi

Tools For Personal Healing

The Etheric Weaver

One of my favorite tools for personal healing is the Etheric Weaver. I purchased mine about nine years ago just after experiencing a full body Etheric Weaver treatment.

I have found the Etheric Weaver to be a wonderful addition to my Reiki practice and I use it often as part of my own personal healing regime .

However, I would like to also mention that you can do the same type of healing work with a pendulum or any other healing tool. The secret is to intend that your pendulum is a healing tool. It’s that simple!

Etheric Weavers are crystals ranging from 3.5″ to 7.5″ in length with two small magnets on either side, circled in copper wire with a chain attached to the top. The clear quartz crystals are wrapped in colored theatrical-light gel. Each color creates a specific frequency that resonates with the body and realigns the energy field in the etheric layer.

It’s very simple to use – simply hold it over anything or anyone, like a pendulum. For self healing you can suspend the Etheric Weaver about 3 to 6 inches above your left palm while holding the weaver with your right hand. Clear your mind and be very still. If the weaver starts to spin or move in any direction, hold it over that area until the movement stops.

The Etheric Weaver balances and aligns the whole meridian system, the chakras and heals blockages and rents in the etheric field.

Etheric weavers may also be used for personal healing, helping loved ones and friends, space clearings, pets, plants, long distance healing, meditation and awareness.

The Etheric Weavers are designed by H.H. Jetsun Gyalwa Jampa Gonpo and handcrafted by Western Buddhist monks and nuns.  Visit their website for more information.

Sacred Native Teachings

Check out this beautiful website created by Native American people/Aboriginal people to educate people about various nations and their stories.

To learn more about the Four Directions Teachings project, please click here

Bees & Flowers

Bee in the garden

I photographed this busy little bee while I was on my morning walk today. I was admiring the flowers in my neighbors garden and noticed that there were bees everywhere.

I am so happy to see them! Without bees, we would experience worldwide famine and starvation. Bee populations have dwindled to a quarter or less of their previous numbers and insecticides are blamed for much of their decline.

So the next time you stop to admire all the beautiful flowers in bloom, or sweeten your tea with honey, give thanks to the bees.

thought for the day;

“Veiled in this fragile filigree of wax is the essence of sunshine, golden and limpid, tasting of grassy meadows, mountain wildflowers, lavishly blooming orange trees, or scrubby desert weeds. Honey, even more than wine, is a reflection of place. If the process of grape to glass is alchemy, then the trail from blossom to bottle is one of reflection. The nectar collected by the bee is the spirit and sap of the plant, its sweetest juice. Honey is the flower transmuted, its scent and beauty transformed into aroma and taste.”  – Stephanie Rosenbaum