Springtime is the perfect time for clearing out and balancing the three lower chakras.The first, second & third chakras are those that relate to the physical realm in everyday life, and when balanced they help us flow and move through the everyday issues of life with more ease.
Without some kind of balance in the lower chakras we may experience difficulties with manifesting and achieving our goals, concerns about physical survival, unbalanced emotions, lack of will power, feeling ungrounded, and an overly active mind.
Here are some ways to help balance the three lower chakras;
First Chakra – Located at the base of the spine the Muladhara Chakra, along with the foot chakras, ground us to the material plane.The issues related to this chakra concern physical security, career, home and safety, grounding, and our connection with the earth, and our physical body.
Second Chakra – Located just below the belly button, the Sacral Chakra relates to our emotions and sexuality and especially how we connect with others. In this chakra we may experience difficulties with creativity, sexuality, frustration, addictions, anger, low self esteem issues, and difficulties accepting change.
Third Chakra – located at the base of the rib cage in the upper abdomen, the Solar Plexus Chakra is the ego and power center and relates to will power, how we define ourselves, and emotional expression. Here we may experience difficulties defining our boundaries with others, an overly active mind, lack of will power, unbalanced emotions, control issues, and oversensitivity.
Here is a great video for all you aromatherapy – lovers! It shows you how to make an Aromatherapy inhaler.
Have a great weekend!
“Smell is a potent wizard that transports us across thousands of miles and all the years that we have lived.” – Helen Keller